100% REPATRIAT A LA GESTIÓ DE MISSIONS IMPOSSIBLES L’equip de VIAP comparteix el seu orgull en les REPATRIACIONS aconseguides tant en les hores anteriors a
100% REPATRIAT A LA GESTIÓ DE MISSIONS IMPOSSIBLES L’equip de VIAP comparteix el seu orgull en les REPATRIACIONS aconseguides tant en les hores anteriors a
Entrades emeses pel sistema SIVER de venda centralitzade de seients (amb o sense reserva), per AVE, Larga distancia, Avant i Mitja Distància Convencional, pot estar
Por su interés le remitimos Decreto-ley 11/2020, de 7 de abril, por el que se adoptan medidas económicas, sociales y administrativas para paliar los efectos
Durant la primera etapa d’aquest rellançament – a partir de finals de juny i durant el mes de juliol – l’empresa intensificarà el seu enfocament
Orden SND/439/2020, de 23 de mayo, por la que se prorrogan los controles en las fronteras interiores terrestres, aéreas y marítimas con motivo de la
When trying to save money on business travel, people often miss the easy win that is to recover VAT on hotel bills. We will walk you through the basics of claiming back up to 20% of your Hotel spend.
Travelers success on the road is directly connected to how well their trip was planned and prepared. Planning a business trip should always prioritize keeping your business traveler as productive and stress-free as possible requires carefully considered, clever planning.
Travel management is undergoing a huge shift—away from micromanaging and towards trust, transparency, and simplicity. The fact is that “control” and “compliance” have dominated the conversation around corporate travel management for some time. And it’s no wonder. Business travel is the 2nd largest expense after employee salaries, and when managed effectively, companies realize $12.50 or more in incremental revenue for every dollar invested in business travel.
Today, business travelers demand easy self-booking and greater travel options. Simultaneously, companies want to reduce costs and improve the ROI of corporate travel.
Our guide to travel management will help you achieve all of these goals and more.