Travel Recommendations
From this section, you can access the Travel Recommendations by country, as well as the latest updates.
In the framework of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, every traveler must have the possibility of being affected abroad by restrictions of any kind that impede or alter their freedom of movement.
In general, travelers are responsible for the eventual consequences of their decision to travel. The capacity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, and the network of Spanish Embassies and Consulates to provide emergency consular assistance is limited, it applies exclusively to Spanish travelers abroad and cannot, in any case, replace the capacities of other national health systems, require exceptions to the regulations of third countries, facilitate or pay for the possible extension of stays abroad, whether voluntary or forced, or replace the operation of travel agencies or transport companies.
For this reason, it is reiterated to all travelers, regardless of their destination or the circumstances of their trip, the recommendation to stay informed at all times, to travel wisely, and to have insurance that covers all eventualities during the trip.
The purpose of these recommendations is to offer the citizen relevant information for the realization of any trip abroad. These travel recommendations have no binding effect whatsoever and operate as mere advice or advice. No trip abroad can be considered totally safe and the decision to travel or not is the sole responsibility of the traveler. The State will not be liable in any way or for any concept of damages that, both due to the observance and due to ignorance or failure to attend to the recommendation, could be caused to persons or property, not considering said recommendation a title that covers any claim in such sense.
The deterioration of the security situation and the increase in the international terrorist threat in much of the world has increased the real risk that Western citizens could be the target of an attack or a kidnapping. At this time no region of the world and no country is safe from possible terrorist acts.
Any decision related to traveling, staying, or leaving a country corresponds exclusively to the citizen. It is remembered, in any case, that the trip is always made at the expense and risk of the traveler and that all expenses derived from hospitalization, the transfer of the injured, or the repatriation of corpses are the responsibility of the individual. Social Security benefits do not operate abroad, except in some countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area, so it is very necessary to take out travel insurance to cover the corresponding expenses. For travel within the European Union and the European Economic Area1, and being in possession of the European Health Insurance Card (TSE), it must be taken into account that health benefits are not identical in all countries, existing situations, for example, in which the copayment is mandatory. For this reason, it is recommended to consult, before traveling, the information provided on the European Union portal on the conditions of use of the European Health Insurance Card in each country.
Therefore, Spaniards are strongly requested to follow the travel recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, take extreme precautionary measures, avoid risk situations and unnecessary travel and register at the corresponding Embassy or Consulate General of Spain. . To access the Travel Recommendations by country, click on “Search by country list”, found under the map at the bottom of this page. You will find a list of countries in alphabetical order. Clicking on the country, select “Travel Recommendations”.
When planning your trip, you can also consult:
- Meteoalarm website: https://www.meteoalarm.eu/, provides alerts to an extreme weather situation (exceptional) that is expected to occur anywhere in Europe.
- Weather Information Service predictions website: World: http://wwis.aemet.es/es/home.html, which presents the option of consulting the meteorological conditions for several days in any country in the world.
In addition, before making a trip abroad, it is recommended to register your data in the computerized Travelers Registry of this Ministry, to facilitate care in possible emergency situations or necessities.
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, and Switzerland. See how to acquire the European Health Insurance Card.