Update of the list of airlines prohibited within the European Union
We inform you that since December 8, 2020, an update of the list of airlines prohibited within the European Union has come into effect.
You can download the updated blacklist at the following link HERE
We remind you that in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2111/2005, relating to the establishment of a Community list of airlines subject to an operating ban in the Community and the information that air passengers must receive about the identity of the company operator, when an airline is blacklisted:
If it is a flight departing or arriving at an airport in the Community, the flight is canceled, since the company in question is prohibited from operating within the European Community.
In this case, the air carrier (in the case of a single service) or the trip organizer (in the case of a combined trip) has to offer an alternative transport or the refund of the ticket to the passenger, all in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 261 / 2004.
In the event that it is a flight outside the European Community and the airline has been blacklisted, the airline (in the case of a ticket sold as a single service) or the travel organizer (in the case of a combined trip) will have to offer the passenger a refund of the ticket or an alternative transport, even if said flight has not been canceled.
If the flight has not been canceled, it is the passenger who freely decides whether to make the flight or not.
Therefore, if the passenger finally decides to make the flight, it is essential that they sign the letter that we transcribe below:
” Mr. …………. declares to have been informed by …………………… of the list of airlines subject to a ban to operate in the European Community (hereinafter “European Black List”) and that the airline ………… … Has been included in this European Black List, due to security deficiencies that have been detected in its aircraft.
However, Mr. ………… having full knowledge that the company ……… has been inserted in the European Black List, has specifically ordered the travel agency ……………… to make a reservation with the airline company ……… on the flight …………, assuming the client that he will not have the right to request a refund or alternative transportation regarding said flight.
Likewise, Mr. ………… exempts the travel agency …………… from any responsibility for loss, damage or harm that may arise from said reservation or from the operation of said flight.
Date Signed.
Client (Must be signed by ALL passengers) “